5 blogging sins you must avoid

Blogging online is a popular tool for many users and while it is not a new platform for most marketers, it is one that can be utilized in many different ways. Some use it for different interests like sports, video games, politics, or
anything else that they have a particular passion for or an opinion on. It should be noted that while blogging is largely a freedom of expression for many, there are still some “blogging sins” that should be avoided like the plague if you want to keep interested readers coming back for more on your blogs

1. Do not ever consider being a person that will simply beg for money.
It is one that can quite frankly rub people the wrong way. Making posts about wanting money for whatever reason can really get under a person’s skin. I know this sounds basic, but you
may be surprised by how many blogs like this there are out there (especially with today’s economy!). Of course it should be noted that it is an entirely different situation if you are writing to help a charity; but it’s another to be doing it for selfish reasons.

2. Avoid having too many sales at one time. This is one of the main things to keep in mind if you are blogging for business. It is one thing to have one every once in a while. It is another to go
about doing it for the sake of doing so. Limit it as much as possible and do it only every so often. When it is done on a frequent and regular basis, then that means the person is desperate and has nothing going on whatsoever.

3. Do Not change your opinion because it’s not popular. Everyone changes their mind about something. If you’re going to do that, explain why and give it a
legit reason. If you do that, then it might look better than simply changing for no real reason. Blogs are all about having an opinion and voicing it, but stick to your principles and never flip flop your opinion simply because it is receiving a negative response.

4. Don’t be a “lazy blogger.”
Forget about blogs in general, it can happen at any time when a person can get lazy for whatever reason. Try to stay as fresh as possible. Keep your thoughts fresh and unique, post when you have something interesting to say not simply
because you feel like you should get your content updates. Remember if you are being lazy and churning out blog posts that are boring to you, they will be boring to your readers as well. One
thing that has to be taken into account is that if it becomes too much of a chore, then it may not be worth doing so much. Take a rest and then come back to it trying to keep up posting quality. material.

5. Avoid being just plain mean.
It’s a feeling humans feel all the time because they didn’t get what they wanted. Do not use that as an outlet to just jump out and criticize someone else. When something gets featured
and it’s not yours, it’s a blow to the ego. Just simply don’t worry about it and try to improve your own blog.

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Top 5 profitable blogging niche

1. Technology:
Technology is the most popular and the most chosen niche, when it comes to blogging. It’s mainly because of the fact that technology is growing rapidly, and hence you won’t run out of ideas to write blog posts.
Another major reason why people choose technology as their blogging niche, is because that articles related to technology gets way more views and responses than any other niche. Therefore, you can see most of the bloggers starting a tech blog nowadays.
Technology niche covers a wide arena of topics which includes Smartphones, Electronics, and other technological leads. If you don’t want to focus on the entire tech niche, then you can dive
in and choose sub-niche’s like Android and write blog posts related to these sub-niche’s only

2. Entertainment :
Entertainment niche is a vast niche, like
technology. If you choose an entertainment niche for your blog, then you’ll need to update your blog multiple times a day, as you lots of updates
every day. Entertainment niche mainly covers celebrities, movies, music etc. Celebrity Gossips is the most popular sub-niche in entertainment, and writing
about these gossips can really fetch you many readers [because we all love gossips) Another popular sub-niche in the entertainment zone is movie reviews. Many people love to search for reviews about their favorite movies,
before they actually plan to watch it. And if you can review movies, within a few days to releasing, then you can really choose movie reviews as your blogging niche.

3. Health:
In our modern society, health plays an important role. People always try to stay healthy, and also tries to gain as much as health tips as possible. Therefore, many people subscribe to such health
blogs to get the latest health tips and precautions, without actually visiting a doctor ! But building a successful health niche blog needs a lot of hard work. As the facts and tips you post must be relevant to the time, valid and helpful
for the people. One major sub-niche on health is seasonal health. Providing health tips based on seasons and climate, can be really profitable.

4. News:
News is yet another possible niche. Nowadays, busy lifestyles of people are not allowed then to tune in to televisions and radios, and be updated
with the local or international news. Instead, they subscribe to popular news websites, so that they get their news delivered on-time, without the need of tuning in to it. Building a news site is a very huge and responsible task. As to build a successful news site, you need to be precise, accurate and quick in publishing each content. Publishing news content as soon as possible will
fetch you more visitors to your site, as people will be curious to know about the news you’re publishing.
A successful news site has many reporters and covers almost all possible niche’s. There is specifically no unique niche for news websites. Therefore, to build a successful news site, you need a team of at least 2-3 members working actively.

5. Choose The Niche That Suits You The Best !: Last but not the least, I would like to conclude by saying that “What Niche You Choose Doesn’t Matter”, but how you perform in your selected niche really matters. While choosing for a niche to blog on, always choose a niche of which you’re aware of. Choose a niche, of which you have proper awareness off.

Get more of blogging Tips from

How to Build an Money Generating Blog

This is the first in a series of posts based on today’s topic. The series is going to help so many newbie bloggers on how to build a blog from scratch and later make serious income from it full-time. You would be glad to know that I
follow the same process too. The only difference is that I approach the process with a different mentality and passion. You would need that too. Thanks for taking interest to know what this post
contains. You would need to read to the end, become one of our subscribers so that you will. get updated when I continue the series. To get. started, today, I would be laying the foundation as we proceed into the series. At this point, Why do you want to start a blog?
Why do you want to be a blogger? Why do you. want to generate income from blogging? Do you just want to make more money? Whatever it is, you should be specific about your WHYs. It is after your WHYs are well answered that the
HOW TOs will show up. This series will do you no good if you have not answered your WHYs.
I hear a lot from would-be bloggers who. say all they want is Google Adsense’s money. And when
I tell them what it takes to make a lot of Google Adsense’s money legitimately, they get wearied. Blogging is NOT a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. If it were, I would not be doing a series. All I would
do is just tell you to do something today and later this week, you will buy your dream car from the money made from blogging. If you think it is, then you are going to be VERY disappointed. The
truth is, you can you make real money. This would take many months of learning and practice. It would take hard work, time, money, commitment and persistence. All these and many more would improve your chances of success
Also, you can start your blogging business part-time while working full-time in your organization. This is what I do for now. If you are someone who stays at home or works from home, you could find some hours to start blogging on what you know and like or what you
are passionate about. The first thing you need to start an income generating blog is to choose a good and well targeted niche. Having a targeted niche means
that people who come to your blog are those who were looking for what you are offering. If your niche is about “fashion”, would people look for
what you offer within the concept of “fashion”? For instance, if your blogging niche is going to be about “laptops”, there are many things you could
write about “laptops” and you will not be providing specific enough advice or products for the majority of your visitors as the niche is too vast. But if your niche within the concept of
“Laptops” is “HP Mini Laptops”, there is less to write about and you know the people who are coming to your site are interested in HP Mini Laptops and are more inclined to return again
and again. How to Determine your Niche Five major things you need to consider when determining the niche for your blog are; reason why you must start your own blog. 1. How much knowledge do you have about the niche?
2. Are you willing to learn more about the niche?
3. How passionate are you about the niche?
4. Are there people in need of information about the niche?
5. Would you still be found blogging in the niche five years down the line? If you love the topic you want to blog about, you are in a much better position to understand your readers because you are part of the same niche. You know what you like, what you buy, and therefore what your visitors will enjoy and will purchase. Your niche should be a topic you are really interested in. If not, you will find it hard to build a successful blog. If you are interested,
passionate and knowledgeable about the niche, then it will be much easier for you to write the content for your blog. It will also be much easier to understand
your visitors’ needs and desires. You shouldn’t bother yourself too much if there are thousands of other blogs in the same niche as yours. Once your blog is unique, you will get your own share
of readers and popularity. What you need to ensure is that there is an actual on-line demand for such niche. Your niche should be to provide solutions to peoples’ problems. Only then would you make money from blogging. Ask yourself,
Do people have everyday problems associated with your
chosen niche?
Do they go on-line looking for solutions to their problems? To help yourself find a good niche, you would need to do qualitative research. That would help you choose the best niche you are interested in and a blog niche that will be sought after by your future customers Visit.

5 Success to Grow your business

Business Planning Guidelines Make Business Planning Easier

1) Business planning needs to be based on real, timely information. Suppose a group of Neanderthals gets together
and forms a business called Caveman Inc. Their business plan is based on killing big things that will provide lots of meat. But none of them knows what kinds of “big things” might be out there or how they might kill one of them if they find one.
Before you can engage in useful business
planning, you need to gather the information that will allow you to identify priorities and make decisions. This information may include demographic data, market research, labour market information, competitive intelligence etc.

2) Business planning needs to be action-based. Imagine Caveman Inc. having a business planning session. The team meets, waves their clubs around, deliberates and decides that killing a
Tyrannosaurus Rex is a worthy goal for their business. Then they all continue to sit around the fire in the cave. Goals are good things. You need them for
direction. But without planning actions to
undertake to achieve your goals, nothing will be accomplished.

3) Business planning needs to identify risks and challenges.
The Caveman Inc. team has finally left the cave on their Tyrannosaurus Rex hunt. Their hunt is successful in that they find a T. Rex. Unfortunately, they soon discover that individually running up to the T. Rex and trying to bonk it with a club is not a successful way to kill a Tyrannosaurus Rex – and suffer many injuries.
Looks like they should have taken a little more time in their business planning session on the risks and challenges of their plan. Successful business planning involves not only assessing potential risks but coming up with ways to mitigate them.

4) Business planning needs to be ethical.
While licking their wounds from their
Tyrannosaurus Rex hunt, Caveman Inc. discovers that there’s another group of Neanderthals in the vicinity – and worse, they’re after a T. Rex, too.
They immediately abandon their business plan, rush out, and try to kill off the other group. There are all kinds of strategies that will increase your business’s profits. But before you make them part of your business planning, ask yourself if they are ethical. In other words, do they
support or enhance your values and the values that you hope are shared by society? Remember that morals should not be bound by borders. If your conscience says it would be wrong here, it’s wrong in another country, too.

5) Business planning efforts need to be
measured and evaluated. Having chased the other group away, the Cavemen Inc. team decides to give their original
plan another try. However, when they find a Tyrannosaurus Rex they try to do exactly what they did before, and when trying to bonk the creature with their clubs, the entire team is wiped out.
If only the Caveman Inc. team had evaluated their plan and amended it! Carrying out business planning efforts and not bothering to measure and evaluate them won’t necessarily lead to
disaster, but it will certainly waste your time and money. How can you get to where you want to go if you don’t even know what you’ve accomplished so far? And how can you make new plans if you don’t know if the old ones were effective or not? Don’t put your business into the position of a Caveman Inc.! Business planning is critical if you want your business to survive and thrive. By
being sure that your business planning adheres to these five business planning principles, you can ensure that your business planning moves your business ahead rather than just being an expensive waste of time. Ready to plan? See Quick-Start Business Planning
for putting together the basics of a business plan that will invigorate your business for the course of a year in just a pair of two to three hour business planning sessions. Susan Ward Small Business:
Get latest entertainment and business news in my Other blog

Top 13 Types of Blog Topics that Gets Huge Traffic

The major problem faced by all bloggers is generating huge traffic consistently to their blogs. I generate huge traffic consistently to this blog because of the niche in which this blog
belongs to. I also generate traffic writing quality contents. In addition to those, I also generate huge traffic based on the blog topics Iuse. In this post, you will find out the blog topics that will get huge traffic. You can start using them to increase the amount of traffic you get to your blog. Blog Topics that Gets Huge Traffic
TYPE 1: Top 10 Lists (or Top 8, 6, 12, 33, whatever
you’d like) showing:
– A number of ways to do something (E.g. “Top 10 Ways to Blog Like a Pro”)
– The best reasons to do something important (E.g. “Top 8 Reasons to Switch from WordPress to Blogger”)
– The steps required to do something (E.g. “ Steps to Download the GTBank Mobile Money Application“)
– The most important rules of doing something (E.g. “Top 6 Must-Follow Rules of Guest Posting”) – The list of blogs/bloggers (e.g. “ Top 45 Blogs in Nigeria“) TYPE 2: Myth busters that dis-prove common thinking. Try this:
– Identify the common perception (E.g. “Why you Don’t Need Capital to Start an Online Business”
– Illustrate why something is incorrect or not always correct. (e.g. “Why WordPress is not better than Blogger”)
– Show the better alternative / truth. (E.g. “ 10 Reasons Why you May Never Make Money Online Consistently“)
TYPE 3: How tos & instructional content. Here’s a writing tip: – Use bullet points to show each step. It makes your content easier to read and to write. E.g. “ How to Order Items Online At Cheap Prices from Nigeria”
TYPE 4: Seasonal content. Tie your content into different times of the year, holidays, etc. For example:
– Articles based on the season/weather (“Tips for Beating the Heat When Pregnant in the Hot Summer Months”).
– Content to help people cope with stress around busy holidays (“9 Tips for Dealing with Stress During the Holidays”)
– Grab a calendar and see what’s coming up this month and then write a post about it.
TYPE 5:. Resource lists. People are always on the lookout for great resources. You should always share them with your readers. E.g “21 Sources for Free Stock Photos”
E.g. “My 18 Must-Read Beauty Blogs”
e.g. “ 33 Websites that Pay You to Write for Them”
TYPE 6: Product reviews that may include:
– A succinct, yet detailed list of features.
– Your objective opinion about the produc(durability, quality of information, quality of output, user experience, etc.). – Price comparisons from different sellers.
– Feature & benefit comparisons for similar products.
– Add visual elements, including products from different angles, highlighting different features. TYPE 7: Interviews and/or stories are easy to put together. Try: – Interviewing an expert or celebrity in your target market.
– Have someone interview you. Write stories about your own experiences, relevant to your topic/target audience. – Write stories about other bloggers
– Use relevant stories. Stories are very powerful for showing proof, illustrating concepts. TYPE 8: Commentary on someone else’s content.
Whether it’s a blog post, an article or a product review, content on another site is a great source for creating your own original content. You can find a popular post on someone else’s blog then you write your own opinion about the popular post. TYPE 9: Having fun and entertaining your
readers and visitors. You don’t have to be a serious educator all the time. Have a little fun. Here are some examples:
– “8 Reasons Programmers Don’t Have Fun”
– “Why I Like Reading People’s Blog”
TYPE 10: Turn popular jokes into jokes about your own niche. An example is “Why did the Mashable Cross the Road?”
They can be fictional (and be sure your writing indicates it) that illustrate typical experiences/pitfalls, etc. that your target market encounters
(Ex. “Meet Sue. She gets up every morning at 5:30 for work. She gets in her car, battles traffic for an hour and finally arrives at her office, where she
sits at her computer for the next 4 hours. At lunch, she grabs a quick bite at the fast food joint……..Sound familiar? You’re not alone…”).Share this post on Facebook
TYPE 11: Share stories about your clients, where appropriate. Don’t use names without permission or give away any confidential details.
TYPE 12. Case Studies. These are kind of like stories, but they specifically demonstrate how your product or service has helped every day people. Include: – Your clients’ testimonies (with permission of course).
– How you faced a problem and solved it.
TYPE 13: Ask questions that will make your readers want to read the post content. Also, you can make a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) posts that answers the questions asked by your readers.
– Include questions your readers and customer commonly ask.
– Include answers to the questions you anticipate them asking. – Include questions that lead readers to your products as solutions. – Ask controversial or thought-provoking
questions on your blog.
– Ask questions on twitter or Facebook and publish the answers (giving credit to the sources)
I hope this helps? If you have further questions please use the comment box provided further below to ask and you’ll get a response.

3 Fundamental Ways To LiveLife With No Regrets

Posted by osas cruze
You need failure to truly appreciate
success. You need to one day be poor in
order to truly appreciate being rich. Much like Superman needs Lex Luther, love needs heartache. I’ve been traveling a lot lately. And
whenever I do, I can’t help but people watch in the airport. On my latest trip, while sitting in the Virgin America terminal at LAX, waiting on a delayed flight to New York’s JFK, I was sitting beside a lesbian couple. While I was on my laptop, hard at work (reading the results of the previous night’s
WWE Pay-per-view), this couple was having a very serious discussion about the possibilities of adopting a child together. During the conversation, one of the women theorized that being a parent was “a fundamental part of the human experience.” She said so in those exact words. And then the couple got up and left, off to presumably plot how to rope me into an airport three-way. And though I must have boarded my plane before that three-way could come to its glorious fruition, those ladies did leave me with a lot to think about.
Is being a parent a fundamental human experience? If so, let’s break down what a fundamental human experience is. Since I’m clearly an emotionally stunted man-child, allow me to put it in terms of an amusement park: If life is a theme park, and in all too many ways it
is, not partaking in a fundamental human experience would be like leaving a theme park — one that you had only one chance to visit — without riding all the rides. is not being a parent to at least one child like leaving Six Flags without riding so much as
one roller coaster? Because if you went to Six Flags with me, and here’s to hoping you all will at some point, I’d berate you for leaving without riding Nitro or Kingda Ka. You’d be an idiot.
See, this comment stuck with me, because I don’t know if I want children. I’ve said that for years. I just don’t know. I do know I’d like a dog at some point. A girlfriend would be rad. I’m positive that I want to install a
Jacuzzi at the next place I live. I’m absolutely certain that I’d like a urinal in my home bathroom. But a child? The jury is still out. But now, these gals got me thinking. Because when all is said and done, when I find myself
on the wrong side of the grass, I don’t want to have any massive regrets. And not partaking in a fundamental human experience — that’d probably be something I live to regret.
What are the other fundamental human
experiences? I thought about it on my flight home and came up with a few:
Travel Just because you were born somewhere doesn’t mean you need to die there. Adventure, damn it! If you live your entire life without exploring the infinite abyss that is not only this country, but also all the others, you’re missing out on an experience that you’ll surely live to regret. Love and heartbreak To love and be loved, but to also be crushed at some point as well. Make no mistake about it, without experiencing the latter, the
former isn’t as fulfilling. You need failure to truly appreciate success. You need to one day. be poor in order to truly appreciate being rich. Much like Superman needs Lex Luther, love needs heartache. Pride Everyone deserves to be truly proud of themselves at some point in life. I mean a deep, lasting inner pride, in which you can look at yourself, or at something you’ve done, and know, in that one instance at least, that you won. Everyone deserves to get that
win, be it in a sport, a creative endeavor or anything else. And if you’ve yet to get there, don’t stop. All I know is that when I’m old and gray, I want to look back and know I did it right. Regretting something is a truly helpless feeling. Because at that point, what’s done is done. Because Doc Brown isn’t real
and DeLoreans, regardless of how fast
they’re going, don’t take you back in time. I don’t know about you, but while I’m here, I want to ride all the rides

Madonna Goes Jet Skiing With Her Kids &Boyfriend In France

Is there any activity in France that they won’t do on this vacation?!
Madonna’s little girl Lola has been showing us what a great time the family is having on their summer getaway, and they kept it up on Thursday in Saint Jean Cap Ferrat. The cool mom and her beyond hunky. boyfriend Brahim Zaibat were the chaperones for their group jet skiing trip in the middle of the ocean.
Both Madonna and Brahim got their own, but Lola hopped on hers with a friend. Lola even switched it up so that she could ride along with one of the hotties who was with their group.
We can’t wait to see what adventures they have. next! P.S. Happy Birthday Madonna!!! http://www.naijaliFe51.blogspot.com

Mary j revealed her sexy hot bikini fit body


Mary J. Blige and husband Kendu Isaacs spend holidays in Sardinia, Italy. They take advantage of the italian sun and swim in the Mediterranean sea.
Bellissima! Mary J. Blige is known mostly for her gorgeous voice, but this week, it was her equally stunning bikini body that had everyone talking. The singer revealed her super-fit physique on Wednesday, Aug. 14, during a vacation in Sardinia, Italy.
Lounging in the sun with her husband, Kendu Isaacs, the 42-year-old “No More Drama” singer showed off her washboard abs and long legs in a hot pink bikini. Her short blonde hair was parted to the side, exposing her huge hoop earrings.
The so-called Queen of Hip-Hop-Soul recently announced plans to release her first holiday album this fall. A Mary Christmas is set to drop in October, Interscope Records announced in July.



Do he really love you, in this article i will be talking about how you can know if a guy really love you as he says, but know this, you can never learn love from school or from someone but you
can only “UNDERSTAND” love with Someone. Guys may come professing to be in love with you, many are even willing to pay any price just to sleep with you, the mere fact that a man say he love you, does not Means he really do, if a man say “I LOVE YOU” He may really love you, or he is just be infatuated by your, BEAUTY, GIFT, VOICE, BREAST, POSTURE, or just want to get you to bed,
so be careful, don’t just start dancing to every tune of every sweet-tongued brother, but here are some way to can know if guy really love. 1. ASK HIM WHAT HE REALLY LIKES ABOUT
YOU: if he say it is your hair, eye, body etc. Just know that he is not really in love with you, he just like some part of your body, and after he has tested it, he is gone.
2. NOTICE HOW SOON HE WANT SEX: by this way you can now understand if he just want to test and go.
3. HOW SOON IS HE READY TO FORGIVE WHEN YOU OFFEND HIM: if he is a type that keep record of old quarrels he is not likely in love with you, because true love on do that.
4. IS HE ONLY INTERESTED IN COLLECTING THINGS FROM YOU WITHOUT NO INTEREST OF GIVING: love is not a thief and not selfish, but love can become a robbery if it only

collects and does not give, even for lady that don’t give, love gives.
5. IS HE ALWAYS HAPPY TO SEE YOU: somebody that truly loves you will always celebrate you; he will not be tolerating your presence.
6. IS HE PROUD OF YOU? is he ready to introduce you to his friend and family members. 7. DOES HE ENCOURAGE YOU TO OBEY OR DISOBEY GOD: as well as your parents.
Now try and apply this tools to asses him, if he really love you. but let me ask a question: if you found out that a
guy you really love and you are about to get married to him already has a wife and kids what will you do? Pls answer this question to help others, and please leave a comment

how to date a girl in facebook and twitter

Many people thinks dating a girl or a boy online is impossible and even improper, but that is a lie, I have seen a lot of couples that started online.
The largest market place in the world has is all “FACEBOOK” yes you Can actually take your facebook friendship to reality, “how” let me show you!!! Qualifications!!!
1.GOOD PROFILE PICTURES: having nice photos in your facebook album can actually make someone fail you.
2.YOUR INFORMATION: matters a lot “birds of the same feather fly together. What you write in your facebook profile info says who you are, so the same group of persons will be interested in you.
3.YOUR COMMENT: your comment is what you think, what you think is who you are.

1.Ask him or her to invert you to another of their social network page like “twitter,2go,google+ and linkedin, so that you know if their info in facebook is correct and it will make you know each other more.
2.Send direct message: most girls don’t like posting personal message like love or business in their wall is better you send a direct message.
3.Don’t send to much message it make me angry, getting too much messages daily from one person.
4.Send reasonable text the more you motivate and inspire her, the more she fails for you. 5.Send little real gifts: like real things maybe in birthdays or an emergency.

1.Don’t be in a hurry, you don’t know each other so give time to understand your self. 2.Don’t ask for any thing, asking for something will make it look like fraud. 3.Don’t give too much.
4.Answer 70% question leave 30% unanswered.
5. Give 60% correct personal information, give
20% wrong thwn leave 20% unanswered.

Posted by emily james

Check out top 10 secrets to a happy marriage


People get married for various reasons and that’s why sometimes couples don’t stand the test of time when they begin to have some challenges in the marriage.
1. Happy couples enjoy each other’s company: Its simple,they like to be together, do things together, spend time and talk about things together. They tend to work on their flaws, get along together and just love each other regardless.
2. Happy couples fight reasonably without escalating things too much: No doubt there will be mis-understandings, arguments but they tend to control their choice of words, work on their mistakes to build a stronger and closer relationship. For example, University of California (Berkeley) researchers looked at “connected” couples and discovered that they tend to use plural pronouns
(“we”, “us” and “ours”) rather than singular pronouns (“I”, “me” and “mine”). As a result, they were less likely to feel stressed out after the disagreement than couples who used singular pronouns. “Using ‘we language’ during a fight helps couples align themselves on the same team, as opposed to being adversaries,” notes lead author Benjamin Seider.
3. Happy couples forgive each other: It maybe hard to forgive and forget, but they do forgive and let it go. When they have done something wrong or hurtful, they offer an apology. When they are the wronged party, they accept the gift
of an apology. Successful couples travel the pathway toward forgiving, which is outlined by author Clarissa Pinkola Estes, who cites these four stages for arrival at complete forgiveness:

Scientists invent Mobile charger powered by urine

Scientists have found a new way of charging your cell phone using your ‘pee’. Scientists with the U.K.-based Bristol Robotics Laboratory claim they’ve indeed managed generate electricity from human urine, enough to
partially power a cell phone.
They found that live bacteria breaking down urine creates electricity in the process. As an electrolyte, the natural pH within urine makes it a viable fuel. Researchers speculate that ‘smart toilets’ could make this experiment practical in just a few years.
“By harnessing this power as urine passes through a cascade of microbial fuel cells (MFCs), we have managed to charge a Samsung mobile phone,” lab scientist Dr. Ioannia Ieropoulos told the BBC.
By OSAS CRUZE visit my other blog at

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