A-Z career list

This past few years I noticed choosing a career is one of the major problem student of this days are facing, so I compiled a list below to help you easily choose a career of your choice…..

Accountant, Actor, Actuary, Agricultural and food scientist, Anthropologist, Architect,Artist, Automotive mechanic
Bookkeeping clerk, Budget analyst
Carpenter, Chemist, Childcare worke, Civil engineer, Coaching, Computer hardware engineer, Computer support specialist, Cost estimator, Court reporter
Dancer, Database administrator, Designer
Desktop publisher, Drafter
Economist, Editor,Educator, Electrical engineer, Electrician, Environmental scientist
Farmer, Financial analyst, Firefighter
Fitness trainer
Historian, Human resources assistant
Landscape architect, Lawyer, Librarian
Loan officer
Mathematician,Microbiologist, Musician
Paralegal,pharmacist, Photographer
Physician, Physicist, Police officer
Professional athlete, Psychologist
Real estate agent, Recreational therapist
Referee, Registered nurse, Reporter
Secretary, Social worker, Software-developer, Statistician,surveyor, Systems-analyst
Urban planner
Web developer, Writer

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